Luna Flooring, a leading industry provider in installed home improvements and furnishings; required a company-wide interactive online training program to onboard new sales staff and curb a disproportionately high turnover rate among junior sales reps.
Training Features

Branching Scenarios

Video Production


Luna needed to deliver key soft-skills training on fundamental sales techniques for building meaningful client relationships.

The Challenge
Through in-depth audience analysis and insight from subject matter experts, it was determined that new sales hires were lacking in areas of key soft-skill development that more experienced sales professionals typically honed over time. As a result, inexperienced sales staff were unable to close potential sales/collect commission and less willing to stay on the job long enough to build the necessary skill set to become successful. Luna needed to deliver key soft-skills training on fundamental sales techniques for building meaningful client relationships, providing junior sales reps with the tools to hit the ground running.

Course Craft developed a series of interactive eLearning modules that utilized branching scenarios and videography to engage learners.
The Solution
To capture the critical “human” element of soft skills training, Course Craft developed a series of interactive eLearning modules that utilized branching scenarios and videography to engage learners. The scenarios were designed to break down components of a typical sale, while providing useful information, insights and direction to learners. At key moments in the sales scenario, the learner is presented with challenges that they must react to. At these junctures, the learner must draw on what they’ve learned to decide the best path or action to influence the sale in a positive way. Learners were then evaluated on a scale and provided feedback to improve. In addition, a separate train-the-trainer program was launched to provide materials, mentoring tips, and resources, to senior sales reps to encourage the sharing of institutional knowledge.