
SCORMNext – Tracking and Reports

You can perform full end-user tracking through the scormNEXT administration tool.

Know at all times which users are accessing which products from your course catalog, as well as their progress. Keep track of the licenses used for each client and export your reports to PDF.

Subscriptions by Client

Subscriptions by Product

Subscriptions (enrollments)

In this report you can see a list, broken down into monthly periods, of those clients with active licenses for any product. For each client, you’ll also be able to see the licences used and the licences available.

With this report you can see how many active subscriptions you have for each product in your course catalogue. You can also see general information about the number of active clients, active users and active subscriptions.

Here you can find out how many subscriptions you have had during a specific date range. The report shows overall data as well as a detailed listing of the number of subscriptions for each product.

SCORM Tracking



With the tracking report you can see tracking for students regarding the different products in your course catalogue. For example, view the dates of first access, last access and time spent by users. In addition, you can filter by period, as well as filter by a specific client.

This report shows a list of active users over a period of time. You can see the number of visits of each user, their access time, etc. You can also filter the list by client.

The scormNEXT Log is a repository where all important actions and events are logged. For example, it’s logged here when a client uses a licence, when content is uploaded to the repository or when a new client is created.

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