Discover how to distribute your SCORM content remotely to external LMSs…
With scorm-PROXY you’ll be able to distribute your elearning content catalogue remotely to your clients’ LMSs. All this in a simple and completely transparent way for your clients.
Find out how to do this with our scorm cloud solution in just 6 steps:

Upload your content
e-learning contents in SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 or TinCan xApi format, PDF documents and MP4 videos
Create your product catalog
Combine the content you’ve uploaded and create as many products as you like. For each product, a SCORM connector or SCORM dispatcher will be generated. You can send that connector to those clients that will access content from that product.
Register your client’s external LMS
Register your clients by simply entering the URL of their LMS
Activate licenses
For each client, activate as many licences as you’d like on the products in the catalogue you choose
Send SCORM connectors
Send your clients the SCORM connectors of the purchased courses to upload them to their LMS
Access to contents from remote LMS
The client must enrol the same number of students as licences you have granted for each content element
How does scorm-PROXY work?
Take a quick tour of scorm-PROXY. In this video you will discover how:
> To upload your SCORM content to the cloud
> To create your product catalogue: courses, training pills, etc.
>To register the LMSs of your remote clients
> To send SCORM connectors and set up licences for each client
> To view SCORM content remotely in an external LMS